feature request: tool-tips when using -gui.

Issue #4 closed
Former user created an issue

Msst of my plugins have lot's of parameters, and have only become viable to use since the -gui option. Thanks again!

Having tool-tips would make them even more accessible to others.

Comments (7)

  1. Albert Graef repo owner

    Hmm, just gave the linked dsp file a whirl in Qtractor, the tooltips seem to work all right for me.

    Do you get the same misbehavior when opening the dsp in FaustLive, or if you create a stand-alone Qt application?

    Does it help if wiggle one of the controls, or the scrollbar?

    In any case I don't think that this has anything to do with faust-lv2, as the tooltips are generated in faustqt.h. It's surely not related to the ttl stuff either. Might be a Qt issue, or some weird interaction between host and plugin GUI. The plugin GUI is really at the mercy of the LV2 host here, it simply creates the widget and leaves all the rest to the host, including all event processing.

  2. magnetophon

    Hmm, nothing here, neither in Qtractor nor in Ardour. Not even after wiggling ;)

    Any other trouble-shooting ideas?

  3. Albert Graef repo owner

    Not even after clicking into the number entry of a control and typing something there? That's strange.

    Do the tooltips work when you run the plugin as a stand-alone (faust2jaqt)? Then they ought to work in the plugins, too, it's the same widget code after all.

    Also, which Qt version do you have?

  4. magnetophon

    I just discovered the tooltips only appear over the number-fields, not the faders. Sorry for missing that...

    Is it the same for you? Would you agree it's still a bug? If so, is it in QT or in faust?

  5. Albert Graef repo owner

    Yes, that's the way it works over here, too. If you need/want different behavior, the Faust mailing list should be the right place to discuss it, as this part of the code belongs to Faust, not to faust-lv2.

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