some gui's don't open in Ardour

Issue #6 invalid
magnetophon created an issue

When I compile with faust 1 git 2016-04-27, ardour says:

suil error: Unable to open UI library /home/bart/.lv2/ConstantDetuneChorus.lv2/ (/nix/store/p2qjdyf5z2pvj38xx1hdbmfc87pixk8b-qt-4.8.7/lib/ undefined symbol: SSLv2_server_method

when I open the gui. I can edit with generic controls NP.

Comments (8)

  1. Albert Graef repo owner

    The plugin and its gui work fine for me, with both Ardour and Qtractor. Are you sure that you compiled the plugin with Qt4? What does faust2lv2 -h say?

  2. Albert Graef repo owner

    Ok, from the error message it looks like it's Qt4. But the /nix/store/p2qjdyf5z2pvj38xx1hdbmfc87pixk8b-qt-4.8.7 path looks suspicious to me. Looks like a temporary path, are you sure that the path exists and the Qt4 libraries are there?

    This definitely looks like a linker issue. What kind of Linux system is this and which gcc version are you using? Also, can you please post the output of ldd ConstantDetuneChorus.lv2/

    Over here on Arch isn't even linked into the UI binary (it isn't really needed unless the module is built with -httpd -qrcode), but this probably depends on the gcc/binutils version.

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