Dynamic range compression darkens the shadows

Issue #11 resolved
Gaaned92 created an issue

W10, last ART master

  • Open the attached photo
  • apply neutral
  • activate dynamic Range compression

Observation : the shadows are pushed towards black and some regions become black(0,0,0)

What is expected : as the dynamic is compressed, the black and shadows should be lightened.

Comments (6)

  1. agriggio repo owner

    I deliberately modified the way the dynamic range compression tool operates in ART, so as to not lighten the deep blacks too much, as I feel this contributes to the “bad HDR” look that some people complain about. However, I agree that the current behaviour is broken. I’m attaching a patch that tries to correct this. Can you please check whether it works for you? (It does on the example picture, but if you have others it would be great to test on them as well).

  2. agriggio repo owner

    so, I went ahead and pushed the patch as “tentative fix”. If it doesn’t work, I’ll simply go back to the old behaviour (same as RT)…

  3. Gaaned92 reporter

    I tested the new build on some images and it is much better and useful. I have a lot of travel photos to process and I will report how it went.

    Thank you for effort.

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