Opening 16-bit tiffs appear too white (not so with 8-bit tiffs)

Issue #160 closed
Paul Matthijsse created an issue

Hello Alberto, I noticed a strange thing today.

I make a scan of a negative with X-Sane, open it in Gimp, convert it from 8-bit to 16-bit, make the image positive, apply the levels tool and save it as 16-bit tiff.

This image looks fine in Gimp, gThumb and Geeqie. See attachment

Now I open it in Art for further editing, but it is way too light! See

Once downsampled in Gimp to a 8-bit tiff, it opens fine in art, see

I downsized the scan to 1600px wide, and it shows the same behaviour, see attached and the arp file with the same name.

Am I doing something wrong here?

Comments (15)

  1. agriggio repo owner

    For some reason, the image is interpreted as a raw file. I think it’s related to some recent changes done to support some ancient raw files from Kodak digital backs that have tif extension. I need to think about how to solve this properly, thanks for reporting!

  2. agriggio repo owner

    Ok, the problem is that this tif is a greyscale image. Try converting it to RGB in GIMP and ART should work properly

  3. Paul Matthijsse reporter

    Hello, you’re right, it opens fine now! I noticed before when opening the grayscale that it said “RCD demosaicing”, which is strange for a tiff. I hope you can solve this rgb/grayscale issue.

    Thanks, Paul.

  4. Paul Matthijsse reporter


    Version: 1.7.1-32-g880cd7bff
    Branch: master
    Commit: 880cd7bff
    Commit date: 2021-01-12
    Compiler: cc 7.5.0
    Processor: x86_64
    System: Linux
    Bit depth: 64 bits
    Gtkmm: V3.22.2
    Lensfun: V0.3.2.0
    Exiv2: V0.25
    LCMS2: V
    Build type: Release
    Build flags: -std=c++11 -march=native -Werror=unused-label -fno-math-errno -Wall -Wuninitialized -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-unused-result -fopenmp -Werror=unknown-pragmas -O3 -DNDEBUG -ftree-vectorize
    Link flags: -ltcmalloc -march=native
    OpenMP support: ON
    MMAP support: ON
    Build OS: Linux
    Build date: 2021-01-13T08:46:52Z

  5. Paul Matthijsse reporter

    Hi Alberto, I did that and recompiled, same result (error loading…). But now I start to think that this particular scan is corrupted in one or other way, investigating that now (after lunch, that is). (And yes I know how to scan negatives, been doing that for over 20 years…). I’ll come back later.

  6. Paul Matthijsse reporter

    Hello, I made a new scan of the same negative, made it 16-bit in Gimp and saved as tiff. This one opens fine in Art. So this whole story can be closed, I apologize for having bothered you.

    But yesterday’s offending file still says “Encoding” when I try to open it in Art (just before the error msg appears), instead of “Loading tiff file”. So this one is perhaps still considered a raw file, as was your first thought.

    Anyway, those stupid computers… 😉

    PS. I ❤ Art

  7. Paul Matthijsse reporter

    Hello Alberto, you can close this ticket. I upgraded my system from Xubuntu 18.04 to 20.04 and the problem seems to have gone.

    Regards, Paul.

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