Lens missing in the lens correction by profil since ART 1.7

Issue #165 resolved
Miguel Moquillon created an issue

When updating ART to version 1.7 and then to version 1.8, I discovered my prime lens Fujinon XF-35mm F2 is missing in the lens database whereas it was there in previous versions of ART (<= 1.6).

For information, ART is built and installed from the sources thanks to the build-art shell script in my GNU/Linux laptops.

Comments (3)

  1. agriggio repo owner


    the lens db is managed by lensfun, not by ART. ART simply picks up whatever is in your lensfun database. You can try running the lensfun-update-data script (part of the lensfun distribution) and see if you can download more lens definitions.

  2. Miguel Moquillon reporter

    Ok, I thought ART embedded lensfun but it is a dependency. I updated the lensfun database on my system and now I retrieved my prime lens. I don’t know why suddenly my lens has disappeared from the lensfun database (a lib update?).


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