Slow saving of some jpgs and tiffs

Issue #175 closed
Paul Matthijsse created an issue

Hello, since this morning saving some - but not all - jpgs or tiffs is rather slow (2 min) and when the bell rings to indicate that the jpg is saved, the interface stays unresponsive for about another 30sec, so impossible to switch back to the navigator/file browser. During this time the progess bar below for Saving shows 90% done and stays like that for those ~30 sec. In ‘top’ I see that exiftool is active as well while saving. In another terminal I see the msgs “Invalid date format” and “Invalid time format”. (I know recently people took over exiftool from Robin Mills, so perhaps the problem comes from there).

Try to save the attached jpg as another jpg and you’ll see what I mean.

Comments (4)

  1. agriggio repo owner


    can you provide some more info? (E.g. OS, version, exiftool version, compilation options).

    Works normally for me…

  2. Paul Matthijsse reporter

    Hello Alberto,

    I think I found the source of this weird problem. I noticed that the directory containing my scans from this year was about 5.6GB. After making it smaller using subdirectories, the time to save a file was drastically reduced (although I won’t call it ‘normal’ yet).

    For a second test, I took a folder with regular JPGs and NEFs from my camera, ~4GB in size. I copied and pasted the content to go to 8GB. And here the problem reappeared, but not so in the original folder of 4GB.

    Is there somewhere a folder size limit perhaps?

    Regards, Paul.

    Version: 1.8.4-10-g73f883aff
    Branch: master
    Commit: 73f883aff
    Commit date: 2021-04-18
    Compiler: cc 9.3.0
    Processor: x86_64
    System: Linux
    Bit depth: 64 bits
    Gtkmm: V3.24.2
    Lensfun: V0.3.2.0
    Exiv2: V0.27.2
    LCMS2: V2.9
    Build type: Release
    Build flags: -std=c++11 -Werror=unused-label -fno-math-errno -Wall -Wuninitialized -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-unused-result -fopenmp -Werror=unknown-pragmas -O3 -DNDEBUG -ftree-vectorize
    Link flags:
    OpenMP support: ON
    MMAP support: OFF
    Build OS: Linux
    Build date: 2021-04-19T12:38:44Z

  3. Paul Matthijsse reporter

    Hello Alberto, today’s build brought my Art back to normal, saving files is quasi instant again. So please close this issue.

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