CR3 shooting information not available in the file browser because of case-sensitive extension matching

Issue #187 resolved
Former user created an issue

Now that exiv 0.27.4 has been released and made available on MSYS2, the CR3 metadata is read out of the box. This is great! The info field on the file editor shows all relevant information (e.g. shutter speed, aperture, etc.), but this information is not always visible in the file browser. It only works on files with a lowercase cr3 extension, not uppercase CR3. See below.

Comments (3)

  1. agriggio repo owner

    This is weird, ART never uses file extension explicitly to determine the file type. Extensions are used only to decide whether to display files in the browser. Did you try clearing the cache? I have tested with various cr3 files both lower and uppercase and never seen any problem fwiw.

  2. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    All right, false alarm. It was a cache issue. It would make sense that there is case-sensitive matching there.

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