Metadata filter - shutter speed not working as it should

Issue #198 new
Paul Matthijsse created an issue

Hello, the metadata filter for shutter speed is not working as it should. In the Navigator I have a folder open with 195 photos. When I activate the metadata filter and I say in the shutter speed field (activated as well) 1/60 - 1/80, no single thumbnail is shown. When I say 1/80 - 1/60, the corresponding thumbs are shown. When I say 0 - 1/60, I see many thumbs with shutter speeds far above 1/60.

The other filter fields seem to work correct.

Comments (2)

  1. agriggio repo owner


    seems to work fine here. The only issue I see is that the behaviour might be a bit counterintuitive if you think in terms of shutter speed, rather than exposure time: if you have “speed” in mind, you would think that 1/80 is more than 1/60 beacuse it’s faster, but in fact the filter operates on “exposure time”, so 1/80 is shorter than 1/60. That’s why selecting 0-1/60 will show all the pictures with exposure time up to 1/60 (so also 1/100, 1/1000, …).

  2. Paul Matthijsse reporter

    (Sorry for the late reaction).

    Thanks for explaining that, but for me this is quite counterintuitive! Let’s hope I will be the only one… 😉

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