Suggestion to improve readability of history messages

Issue #212 new
Paul Matthijsse created an issue

Hello Alberto, first off: thanks for the Ctrl+arrow keys to move over a zoomed image! Last request on this feature: can you make the scrolling several times faster?

Now on the history messages, they can become partly unreadable (without making the history panel wider) because the msg strings are too long. This is caused by the fact that many strings contain redundant information, like in tab 4, the Smoothing tool. Choose eg. the smoothing mode Guided and change the three sliders for Radius, Detail and Iterations. In the history panel the word Smoothing is 3 times repeated. Unnecessarily, because the user knows already that s/he is working with the smoothing tool. Same story for quite some other tools.

I suggest to clean up the history messages. Attached are two files, default_org.jpg which is the actual situation, and default_simplified.jpg, which illustrates my proposal.

What are your thoughts on this?

Regards, Paul.

Comments (2)

  1. agriggio repo owner

    Last request on this feature: can you make the scrolling several times faster?

    I increased the default speed, and I made this customizable (just increase the value of [General] EditorKeyboardScrollStep in your options file to make it faster)

    What are your thoughts on this?

    Definitely not for 1.10. I don’t know about the next version, I’ll have to think about how to do this properly. Let’s keep this open in the meantime.


  2. Paul Matthijsse reporter

    I increased the default speed

    Now it’s perfect for me, thanks!

    Let’s keep this open in the meantime.

    OK. The history list has been like this since RTs very beginning, so no need to hurry on this.

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