./ART - Failed to register

Issue #219 invalid
Paul Matthijsse created an issue

Hello, since this morning after compiling latest code, I can’t start Art anymore! The usual shortcut gives no response (that is, nothing happens). If I use the terminal, I can start ART-cli (so Art is on my system), but dot-slash ART gives - after 25s - the following output:

paul@graveyron:/usr/local/bin$ ./ART-cli
ART, version 0b79be8e1, command line.
Terminating without anything to do.
paul@graveyron:/usr/local/bin$ time ./ART
Failed to register: Tijd is verlopen (means Time-out)

real 0m25,407s
user 0m0,443s
sys 0m0,184s

Any idea?

Comments (3)

  1. Paul Matthijsse reporter

    Hello, today I saw a ‘fatal’ message while compiling Art, see below. Can that be the reason I can’t run Art any longer?


    -- Configuring done
    -- Generating done
    -- Build files have been written to: /home/paul/art
    paul@graveyron:~/art$ make -j5
    [ 0%] Creating AboutThisBuild.txt and other version-dependent files
    -- git command found: /usr/bin/git
    fatal: no tag exactly matches 'beab0a747a9fcaffb81039ebbb22bb28c4ebf1ce'
    -- Git checkout information:
    -- Commit description: beab0a747
    -- Branch: master
    -- Commit: beab0a747
    -- Commit date: 2021-11-11
    -- Commits since tag: 50
    -- Commits since branch: 50
    -- Version (unreliable): 0.0.0
    -- Build information:
    -- Build OS: Linux
    -- Build date: 2021-11-11T16:24:43Z
    -- CACHE_NAME_SUFFIX is ""
    [ 0%] Built target UpdateInfo

  2. Paul Matthijsse reporter

    Hello Alberto, please close this issue. I downloaded an AppImage of Art and it gives the same problems as mentioned in my first post (does not run and says again Failed to register). So my system must be corrupted, I’ll do a reinstall.

    Sorry for the noise.

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