Please don't remove tarballs of previous releases

Issue #229 closed
yurivict created an issue

Once tarball is removed ports become unbuildable.

Ports in various distros can’t be updated instantly, they need to be allowed at least several months.

Now the 1.10.1 tarball s gone, and 1.12 SEGVs, so no working tarball is available.

Comments (3)

  1. agriggio repo owner


    You can generate a tarball by checking out the tagged version and running “./tools/generateSourceTarball” from the root dir. Could this be a solution for your use case?


    1.12 SEGVs

    does this always happen? For any image? I understood that it happened for one image (and still it’s unclear when). Did I understand wrong?

  2. yurivict reporter

    You can generate a tarball by checking out the tagged version and running “./tools/generateSourceTarball” from the root dir. Could this be a solution for your use case?

    This would require a manual action once the port build breaks.

    does this always happen? For any image? I understood that it happened for one image (and still it’s unclear when). Did I understand wrong?

    It crashes on many or most images.

    Something is wrong in 1.12.

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