Resize via processing queue - wrong values

Issue #266 wontfix
Paul Matthijsse created an issue

Hello, I think I found a little but annoying bug when resizing NEF files via the processing queue.

Open a NEF, neutral profile, resize to 1200px long side, apply to whole photo, place in queue via Ctrl+b, process. Resulting file width: 1200px. OK. Now change the resize value to 1600px, Ctrl+b, process. Resulting file width 1200px. Change size to 2000px, Ctrl+b, resulting file width 1600px. Change to 800px results in 2000px. Always one step behind. No idea where this comes from.

Saving manually via Ctrl+S, CtrL+Enter works as it should.

Comments (7)

  1. agriggio repo owner

    Hi, I tried to reproduce but failed. Can you maybe post a screencast showing what you do exactly? Thanks!

  2. agriggio repo owner

    The value is changed only when the text area loses focus. That’s why it doesn’t work

  3. agriggio repo owner

    I wouldn’t say it’s your fault. It’s more like an unexpected use case. It could be solved, but I don’t know if it’s worth the effort…

  4. Paul Matthijsse reporter

    Just drop it. This was the first time I noticed this behavior (since the beginning of RawTherapee, so very rare) and now I know where it comes from.

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