perspective correction

Issue #3 closed
Gaaned92 created an issue

ART version 1.0.8 W10

The ART perspective correction benefits of new improvements.

However, it seems there is still a cropping issue.

RT crops the top of image:

While ART crops the bottom:

* I would much prefer that the canvas be extended to include all image pixels and then crop to a rectangular format to taste. I have no idea if it is complex or not to do.

Perhaps I miss something in the perspective correction tool.

Note: not able to upload the sidecar files.

  • 👍 for autocorrection
  • focal lehgth and crop factor don’t seem to have any effect.

Comments (7)

  1. agriggio repo owner

    Just disable “auto fill” and you have access to the whole uncropped image, so you can crop it yourself. It’s still not perfect (it doesn’t resize the canvas, it resizes the image), but at least it allows you to have control over the composition. Resizing the canvas unfortunately is more complicated – something on my TODO list but with low priority.


  2. agriggio repo owner

    Thanks for the tip. and what about focal lehgth and crop factor

    this sounds like a genuine bug. I’ll look into it

  3. Gaaned92 reporter

    0.1.14 : The two sliders are active.

    They seem set automatically. I have to understand exectly what they do.

    I think I can close the thread

  4. agriggio repo owner

    if you have proper metadata, you don't need to touch those sliders. they are only needed if you are using a manual lens without exif info.

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