ART - visual identity

Issue #47 resolved
Paul Matthijsse created an issue

Hello, why not change the illustration below the different module tabs to something a bit more ‘ART’, like its logo for example, in color or grayscale?

Comments (5)

  1. agriggio repo owner

    The ART logo is supposed to be temporary (in fact, I just grabbed it from wikipedia)… unfortunately, I haven’t found anything better yet 🙂

  2. Franz Trischberger

    I played around a little bit. I am not great so take this as what it is: an idea.

    It contains the reference to RawTherapee. Thought a tripod makes a great “A”.

    If anybody likes the idea just pick it.

  3. agriggio repo owner

    @Franz Trischberger it’s a very nice idea, thanks! Now we need someone to turn this into a proper icon, as I’m afraid I can’t do this myself… 😞

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