Add a waveform histogram

Issue #50 resolved
silvio grosso created an issue

Hello Alberto!

Please, Add a waveform histogram to Art.

It is indeed useful and it has been requested by several users for both RawTherapee and ART on the forum

For instance:

Here is a post pointing to the code implemented in Darktable (as regards this feature):

I am not a developer but I suppose it may hopefully “easy” to port to ART.

At present this option (waveform) is also available on many commercial applications: DaVinci Resolve, Affinity etc

To my knowledge, only Darktable implements it right now as regards graphical open source applications (but I may be wrong here…): E.g. GIMP, Krita etc.

On the other hand, this option has been implemented both on Kdenlive and Shotcut, 2 open source video editors (I suppose even Blender owns one…)

BTW, THANKS a lot for developing ART. It is an amazing piece of software! :-)

Comments (2)

  1. agriggio repo owner


    I think the new false colors view that will be available in 1.3 should be a decent substitue for a waveform

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