
Alex Hogen Scalable Ripple Carry Adder in SystemVerilog

Created by Alex Hogen
`timescale 1ns / 1ps

 * \file
 * \brief  Creates a ripple carry adder at the bit width specified internally.
 * \author Alexander Hogen
 * \date   10/7/2016
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module ripple_carry_adder (

	input [BW:0] a,
	input [BW:0] b,
	output logic [BW + 1:0] out

*                            Constant Declarations                           *
parameter DESIRED_BIT_WIDTH = 6;    // <===== CHANGE THIS to fit your needs!

parameter BW = DESIRED_BIT_WIDTH -1;

*                               Internal Modules                             *
// Dataflow model of a half adder
module half_adder ( 
	input a, 
	input b, 
	output logic sum, 
	output logic cout 
			sum  = (a ^ b); 
			cout = (a & b); 

// Dataflow model of a full adder
module full_adder ( 
	input a, 
	input b, 
	input cin, 
	output logic sum, 
	output logic cout 
			sum  = a ^ (b ^ c); 
			cout = (a & b) | (a & c) | (b & c); 

*                  Internal Wires and Register Declarations                  *
wire [BW:0] carry;
wire [BW:0] sum;

*                             Combinational logic                            *
assign out = { carry[BW], sum[BW:0] };

// Instantiate a single half adder module, for the first adder in the chain.
half_adder HA (
	.a	  ( a[0] ),
	.b	  ( b[0] ),
	.sum  ( sum[0] ),
	.cout ( carry[0] )

// Use a generate block to automatically create full adders to perform the rest
// of the additions.
genvar i;

	for ( i = 1; i <= BW; i = i + 1) begin: FullAdderGenerate
		full_adder FA (
			.a	  ( a[i] ),
			.b    ( b[i] ),
			.cin  ( carry[i-1] ),
			.sum  ( sum[i] ),
			.cout ( carry[i] )



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