An object which turns a frame into seperate streams

Issue #100 resolved
Former user created an issue

In many circumstances it would be useful for one to turn individual values, or segments of values in a frame into individual streams.
For example, lets say we have a frame containing 12 values. The current method for turning that into 3 streams of 4 values is to fl.chop~ 3 4 → fl.pack~ 3. This is okay at this scale, but gets tiresome when you want more streams, for example, 24 individual values becoming their own audio stream in MSP land.

May I suggest an object such as fl.tostream~ or fl.stack~ that turns segments of a frame into consecutive streams and ids?

Comments (1)

  1. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    As we have discussed this is a niche use case and can be achieved with existing objects. Thanks for taking a look.

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