Audio clicks with variable short fl.count~ length

Issue #18 resolved
Francesco Cameli created an issue

Hello everyone, I am encountering a weird behaviour, but I think it is caused by a patching error of mine. I was trying to build a simple granular patch which scrolled through an audio file. However, when randomizing the frame length to obtain very short grains (10 to 15 ms), the output's result has audio clicks and sample jumps. I am struggling with finding the error, since the patch appears to work when the frame length of fl.count~ is not being randomized at each trigger. Can you spot the error? I attach here two patches and a screenshot. I hope they are clear enough. (clicks_grain is the main patch).

Comments (2)

  1. Alex Harker repo owner

    This looks like a bug to me. I suspect it is an issue with, but I haven't narrowed it down yet.

  2. Alex Harker repo owner

    Great catch. This was due to the reworking on There were actually two bugs, but one was shadowing the other. Both fixed now for the next one.

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