0.5: Crash disconnecting fl.ifft~

Issue #22 resolved
Owen Green created an issue

In this patch I can crash every time if I disconnect fl.ifft~ with the audio on

Comments (7)

  1. Alex Harker repo owner

    I cannae reproduce captain.

    The crash you attached is in the ifft object. Can you check the patch attached above is the right one and confirm which cable(s) you are disconnecting and how?

  2. Owen Green reporter

    Hmm, I may have given you what we call in the trade "the wrong patch". Try this, or I'll have to resort to a screen grab

  3. Alex Harker repo owner

    You've just committed what we in the liberal intelligentsia call 'a school person error' and failed to include your abstractions.

  4. Alex Harker repo owner

    Enjoy your sovereignty. In the meantime, if you replace fl.ifft~ with the below version the crash should vanish.

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