frame lib alpha 0.6 Convolution Granulator crash

Issue #28 resolved
st kr created an issue

hi. opened

4 - Convolution Granulator

audio on. sounds. audio off.

closed patch.


crash log attached.

Comments (10)

  1. Alex Harker repo owner

    The crash shows that the memory allocator is crashing in its destructor - that normally happens when one of the asserts fails (like if there is still outstanding memory that hasn't been freed), but the assert isn't showing up here.

    More importantly I cannot reproduce with either the builds you were sent, or a dev build. Can you try to reproduce this?

  2. Alex Harker repo owner

    Looking at the destructor there are a number of things that could (in theory) be the call that is crashing here. The only other thing to check is that there are no old versions of objects hanging around. Mixing versions is likely to cause crashes, although I'm sure you would have tried to avoid that.

  3. st kr reporter

    Hey. So, I have gone through this a few more times. 100% reproducable for me. I can make it happen again and again. Another crash log is attached as an example. I have checked modification dates of all examples (image attached) and also of all abstractions, and everything is correctlt most recent version as far as I can tell. I have looked through entire search path to check. I should note: I have framelib in a custom package to make working easier as I build abstractions / documentation ideas / etc. Whenever I get a new build I copy over the externals folder and copy over demos to the 'examples' folder. So they are in my search path. If you want my custom package, let me know.

  4. Alex Harker repo owner

    Thanks for confirming this. Sadly, I can't get any further with this unless I can get more info/reproduce. In terms of getting more info what would be amazing is if you could run a development build on your computer in Xcode's debugger, load the dev build of the externals and then try to reproduce - let me know if we could Skype about that.

  5. st kr reporter

    i could do this, yes. at the moment in my sourcetree/framelib i have it at ~/~Home/SDKs/Framelib, but when i build against max sdk it is always inside the sdk in my packages folder. how should i proceed? if the answer to this question is really annoying, lets skype :-)

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