Timing objects review

Issue #34 resolved
Alex Harker repo owner created an issue

Please take a look at the list of timing objects (currently just fl.now~) and provide answers/thoughts on the following questions:

Remember that for controlling time there are schedulers, which will come later...

1. Are there any objects missing here?

2. Are there any object features missing here?

3. Any issues with info documentation, either general, or specific to a given object?

4. Any changes to parameter names/entry desired here?

5. Any issues with object names?

Comments (9)

  1. Alex Harker reporter

    OK - so to prove I am also doing this review here I see two obvious objects to make:

    • a timer that has separate start/stop inputs and times the elapsed time in between (fl.timer~)
    • a timer that reports the interval between consecutive frames.

    Now - these could also be one object with different modes, as they both do timing. What is slightly annoying is that in my head the second of these should be called fl.interval~, but that is already in use. It is possible to change the current (scheduler) fl.interval~ to another name (fl.tick~ for instance), but how would people feel about that?

  2. Francesco Cameli

    The timer that reports the interval between consecutive streams could also be called fl.timedelta~. If you want to call it fl.interval~, the current fl.interval~ could be set to fl.schedule~, fl.metro~ (maybe too Max-centric, but quite self explanatory) or fl.tick~.

  3. Owen Green

    +1 for a timer as you've described. fl.timer~ seems a perfectly fine name to me, consistent with both Max and SC, fwiw.

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