max hang, possibly

Issue #44 invalid
st kr created an issue

hi. with framelib 0.9 alpha, maybe 0.8 alpha too, whenever i close (close, not quit) this patch (attached) i get a forever hang on max 7.3.5 64 bit and have to force quit. osx 10.9.5.

maybe it is to do with freeing memory in wrong order (feels like) ?

p.s. - please ignore the abomination that is this patch - these things happen sometimes.

Comments (3)

  1. st kr reporter

    did you click on the button on the right to fill the buffer~ with a sine wave?

    if you did, then i am sorry for not good instructions and i will try keep an eye on it…

  2. Alex Harker repo owner

    OK - Pete - I've looked at this again and I can't reproduce at all. This patch is also really not neat so it's not efficient to put time into figure out what it "might" have been. It's also the case that on load I get 100% CPU usage. My best guess is that you might have set an interval of 0 or a very short amount and thus achieved a hang (this is covered by another issue, with the current workaround being, don't set an interval of zero).

    If you can provide a better example I'll happily look again, but now I'm marking this as invalid in order to clear up the issues list.

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