Objects reset to default params on empty param frames?

Issue #56 resolved
Owen Green created an issue

Don't know if this a bug or not, but it's definitely counter-intutuitive.

Context: You've got some tagged frame coming out of fl.frommax~ that you wish to change the tag on, so it gets fed into fl.untag~ -> fl.tag~. These output empty frames for the times that the data from max hasn't been changed. These empty frames then reset the processing object in question back to its defaults, so that it appears as if changes from Max have no effect.

Maybe there's a good reason for the objects resetting like this, or for untag / tag spitting out empty frames. The combined result is really weird though.

See attached patch.

Comments (4)

  1. Alex Harker repo owner

    Interesting. I did decided to make empty tags set to default, so that is intentional, but I didn't think about this combo, which is definitely undesirable. The problem is that only schedulers are allowed to decide whether they are outputting a new frame or not, so a normal frame lib object must output an empty frame if it doesn't have anything to output. Perhaps the thing here is for the behaviour of fl.tag~ to be modifiable so that it responds to empty frames either by outputting an empty frame, or outputting a frame with the tag with no contents - I will need to muse on this....

  2. Alex Harker repo owner

    To clarify the above. fl.tag~ is NOT spitting out empty frames - it is spitting out tagged frames with no contents after the tag, which is different...

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    If you dont use the params mode of fl.frommax~ it remembers its state.

    <pre><code> ----------begin_max5_patcher---------- 776.3oc2XssbaBCD8Y6uBM7rqiPhq8WooSFrQlpTPvHDINMS72dEqfjlFaPM PxvzWfQqj4nytGs6J+35UN6JOxpcPeE8MzpUOtd0JvTqgUciW4TjbbedRMrL GA69xc25rwLkhcTAlOjuUkjcBUUy+Eqe1xFUNSodnhYPvwA88topRT6+AWjc ijsWYlkfIawaPt3f1Wg9sOItawO+a3o.TZ3+BMtGiZ0C4vm2o2hnofKz3B6W xKFM6FvpaqwmVut8wFKI99xhBlP8FlWj7SFpfgtmmkk+L0OG+7C6ojlk9X3U 744GAaI+bOK+vuC9cg.qT+YaIWp5GWNrtYrPKvYZDDfChGJxRHSJxRlOl2Jo K0K7z6TN6Y3YHHmCvCRZ+IEtcmORWI4BERxzGlyXoNiROJ1q8UzfmVIAKE0r gdMhwoWLD1HXfXQgCRuvkB8lpj0PZWyIzQjrQKEIaeomQxQYSoGCwGtzC4yu zykINnjmkptTf5QQCV0E+4GyaJ1wjCV4YWhHyFJZJB4Onpl59RNAYRASwj2v DI6LjEOE1OuUlNH0si79Ona7HgPZsPuA8HzkUooq06iRIK0bb+ZGmw55vykB Bb2gC7d+ujC2zpkOc7T3T+ETJ7LlBNxMMZS.BGNbVrfETB7BVJOQbfmqyzbB cEHp0QOzUEkoLzgx7zo3OHckxvCqCBWPND8Ybl7tj7S5KBhwnqZDbUMpndRt AyUt7FrKN570PC74cx4h+9p0vNr09qcM0kMx887o+5snW1korZEWjn3kh+bQ XyhNq62ZjhrAovWsnRYptj7Ei7yKzzWsnBdZUoVhz4Wo3s95R5cWnzseva2o 3osSCsYmF7g3jrFZ2Ym0A1.s+bHB8s.o1+XfoiD0FNEOGH49OntmFRXa7dwe HpSqfN57POM0II11DWtyMqsBZh+GBqsImIIbFTUDqNSFLGHQrIR58FjLUYSp ptiIq6VM.htUiaKAmc3FXHWXFRggR1c7906AVRj59FT5lFZjl59GiL8H5z1E lTzv6DMZjeZ8uIB.GoF -----------end_max5_patcher----------- </code></pre>

  4. Alex Harker repo owner

    In the next version Owen's behaviour will be default, and you can set fl.tag~ /empty_mode to "reset" if you want the other one.

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