fl.notequals~ resolving to fl.notequal~ in Max autocomplete

Issue #66 resolved
Former user created an issue

I would fix this in my forked repo and do a pull request but I don't know how to fix it. The fl.notequals~ object autocompletes as fl.notequal~ when I go to make a new object in Max. Its not functionality breaking but annoying to have to correct it everytime I want to create it.

Comments (6)

  1. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    Okay what is stranger is that the object is in fact called fl.notequal~.mxo but I can only load it when I type fl.notequals~. Am I the outlier here?

  2. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    Also the object mapping for fl.!=~ gives me an orange no-load. Sorry to keep making comments here but just updating as I try and trouble shoot it.

  3. Alex Harker repo owner

    The object mapping file should map to fl.notequals~ (corrected now). The name of the target was wrong for the object, hence there is a misnamed file. Both fixed here.

  4. Alex Harker repo owner

    If you want to pull and build to check that would be good. You'll have to replace the object mapping file manually from the repo. Build for testing to get the same build settings as I use for the alphas.

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