pd makefile broken by fl.expression~

Issue #76 resolved
Former user created an issue

The PD makefile no longer works and gets hung up trying to compile fl.expression~.

The error:

duplicate symbol __ZN18FrameLib_TernaryOpI15Ternary_FunctorIXadL_ZN7Ternary4clipIdEET_S3_S3_S3_EEEE20getDescriptionStringEv in: framelib_pd.o FrameLib_Expression.o duplicate symbol __ZN18FrameLib_TernaryOpI15Ternary_FunctorIXadL_ZN7Ternary4wrapIdEET_S3_S3_S3_EEEE20getDescriptionStringEv in: framelib_pd.o FrameLib_Expression.o duplicate symbol __ZN18FrameLib_TernaryOpI15Ternary_FunctorIXadL_ZN7Ternary4foldIdEET_S3_S3_S3_EEEE20getDescriptionStringEv in: framelib_pd.o FrameLib_Expression.o ld: 3 duplicate symbols for architecture i386 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) make: *** [framelib_pd.d_fat] Error 1

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Comments (2)

  1. Alex Harker repo owner

    Thanks - this was a general linking error that I was aware of and hadn't yet investigated. Now fixed.

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