fl.expr~ added functionality

Issue #93 closed
Former user created an issue

Would it be possible to make it so fl.expr~ can take a frame as an input and parse positional values as arguments?

For example you pass the frame [1, 2, 3, 4] and you could do fl.expr~ in1 + in4 * in3 / in2.

This would be convenient for doing things in granular synthesis like calculating loop lengths between values that determine slice points in a buffer, or scaling ranges without using many fl.~ objects.

Comments (4)

  1. Alex Harker repo owner

    Re-reading this I think I misunderstood what you wanted before.

    Is there a (good) reason that you can't just [fl.chop~ 1] -> fl.expr~?

    Because fl.expr~ is just a single object way of making a network of objects, that is actually what I'd have to do to anyway. I tried approaches that parse the expression into a calculation method but they weren't as fast, so fl.expr~ just builds the equivalent network for you under the hood.

  2. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    fl.chop~ was my original workflow. It is perfectly fine to do it that way as you would expect, but I pined for the functionality that exists in expr where you don't have to connect patch cables to determine inputs. Instead $i1/in1 would be determined by position in the frame.

    I guess what I am asking here is it possible to implement a /scalar parameter.

  3. Alex Harker repo owner

    Closing, because there are other ways of doing it and functionality shouldn't be added for specific use cases where there are already viable solutions.

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