framelib becoming out of sync with host

Issue #96 resolved
Former user created an issue

I have a patch that crashes as soon as audio is enabled. There is a fair bit of pairs that sends trigger frames with its outlet.

value -> [name] -> fl.recall~ [name]

The idea being that the value is used shortly thereafter. fl.register~ might be more appropriate but this makes it conceptually easier to program.

The only way to make it not crash is to separate the timing sources for two different parts of the patch AND to remove an fl.timemedian~ object from "p exploitation_fl".

I've attached logs. (crash log) (fl.timemedian~) (separated timing sources no crash, no fl.timemedian~)

Not really sure what is going on here or if the issues are separate.

Comments (1)

  1. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    Given that these hastebin links are now dead, I'm closing this and will recreate an issue on Github if I am able to recreate.

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