Looped Terrains

Issue #16 new
Dennis Magnusson created an issue

Could you create a setting to allow the ability to loop terrain to make it "earth"/round like?

Ex setting the Loop Size to 5 will make the player to return to the first terrain after moving one direction for 5 terrains.

Comments (4)

  1. Denis Pahunov repo owner

    I like this idea, but it's mainly the matter of generators, not MapMagic itself. If Noise, Voronoi, Scatter, all of the other generators would support looping (tiling) then the terrain would be repeat itself without changing anything in core MM code. But to do so all of the algorithms of most generators should be rewritten, and it's not an easy task.

  2. Kyle Postlewait

    Maybe you could write something that interrupts the coordinate input and only allows up to say 1000 (or whatever you set it at) and blends 951-1000 with -51-0 so that it smooths back into 0. That would be pretty neat!

  3. Aubrey Falconer

    Hi Kyle! I also like this idea :) In my game, I use a large-scale simple form generator tiled far larger than a single terrain chunk to slope my terrain downwards towards 0 (and into an infinite ocean) the farther the players travels from origin. I have experimented with resetting the player's position if they reach the 0 distance at the boundary of the simple form slope, effectively allowing them to crawl out of the ocean and back onto a new landmass that looks suspiciously similar to the one they just descended off of.

    Dennis - I am curious if a large-scale "tiling" operator would be possible. This would most likely be implemented as a checkbox on the height and/or texture output nodes. Rather than rewriting every possible operator to be tiling aware, we could use a smart blend pass to stitch the edges of the world together at any configurable torus size. Certainly not high priority, but would be interesting to explore.

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