Initialising MM with a chosen seed at runtime

Issue #23 new
Alastair Aitchison created an issue

As suggested on the forum, I currently start my scene with the MapMagic component disabled. From my scene manager script, I then set the world seed and enable the component as follows:

    mapMagic.seed = // seed loaded from savegame file;
    mapMagic.enabled = true;

This works in v1.7. However, in the latest Master branch, this is leading to the following errors on entering playmode (only on every other time):

Thread Error: System.ArgumentException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2[System.Type,MapMagic.Action5[Plugins.CoordRect,MapMagic.Chunk+Results,MapMagic.GeneratorsAsset,MapMagic.Chunk+Size,Plugins.ThreadWorker]].Add (System.Type key, MapMagic.Action`5 value) [0x0007e] in /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Collections.Generic/Dictionary.cs:404 at MapMagic.GeneratorsAsset.Generate (CoordRect rect, MapMagic.Results results, Size terrainSize, Int32 seed, Plugins.ThreadWorker worker) [0x001fa] in C:\Users\alast\Projects\Unity\NOME\Assets\MapMagic\Main\GeneratorsAsset.cs:219 at MapMagic.Chunk.ThreadFn () [0x0004f] in C:\Users\alast\Projects\Unity\NOME\Assets\MapMagic\Main\Chunk.cs:189 at Plugins.ThreadWorker.ThreadFn () [0x00020] in C:\Users\alast\Projects\Unity\NOME\Assets\MapMagic\PluginTools\ThreadWorker.cs:501 UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) Plugins.ThreadWorker:ThreadFn() (at Assets/MapMagic/PluginTools/ThreadWorker.cs:525)

and then (presumably because the chunk is not generated):

ArgumentException: Trying to access out-of-bounds terrain height information. Plugins.WeldTerrains.WeldToPrevZ (System.Single[,]& heights, UnityEngine.Terrain neig, Int32 margin) (at Assets/MapMagic/PluginTools/WeldTerrains.cs:55) MapMagic.HeightOutput+<Apply>c__Iterator2.MoveNext () (at Assets/MapMagic/Generators/OutputGenerators.cs:241) MapMagic.GeneratorsAsset+<Apply>c__Iterator2.MoveNext () (at Assets/MapMagic/Main/GeneratorsAsset.cs:279) MapMagic.Chunk+<ApplyRoutine>c__Iterator0.MoveNext () (at Assets/MapMagic/Main/Chunk.cs:199) Plugins.ThreadWorker.CoroutineFn () (at Assets/MapMagic/PluginTools/ThreadWorker.cs:572) Plugins.ThreadWorker.UpdateApply () (at Assets/MapMagic/PluginTools/ThreadWorker.cs:164) Plugins.ThreadWorker.Refresh () (at Assets/MapMagic/PluginTools/ThreadWorker.cs:137) MapMagic.MapMagic.Update () (at Assets/MapMagic/MapMagic.cs:264)

I see there is now a "Change seed on playmode start" checkbox, but that just seems to randomise the seed - how should I now set a specific seed at scene start in runtime through script?

Comments (5)

  1. Alastair Aitchison reporter

    I've just noticed that I also intermittently get these errors when enabling the "Change Seed on Playmode Start" option on a vanilla installation of MM.

  2. Denis Pahunov repo owner

    Does this error still exists?

    I could not reproduce it neither with a "Change seed on playmode start" nor with this script:

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    public class MMSeedTest : MonoBehaviour 
        public MapMagic.MapMagic mapMagic;
        void Start () 
            mapMagic.seed = 1; // seed loaded from savegame file;
            mapMagic.enabled = true;
  3. Alastair Aitchison reporter

    I just downloaded the latest Master branch and I'm no longer getting the error as before. However, the behaviour still doesn't quite seem correct...

    This is most obviously demonstrated by the following steps:

    • Setting a seed in the inspector (say, 12345)
    • Pinning a terrain chunk (but not locking it)
    • Disabling the MM component
    • Attach the MMSeedTest script you posted earlier to an object in the scene
    • Enter Playmode

    Although the seed of the MapMagic object will change from 12345 to 1, as shown in the inspector panel, the pinned terrain chunk will remain the same as it was, even though it was created under a different seed.

    I thought pinned terrain chunks were always regenerated at runtime, or do I need to add an explicit Generate() to that script?

  4. Denis Pahunov repo owner

    Well, I can see what confuses here. You are right, pinned terrain should be re-generated, while locked one should remain untouched.

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