
Issue #25 closed
Kyle Postlewait created an issue

Assets/Voxeland/Editor/VoxelandEditor.cs(149,32): error CS0117: MapMagic.MapMagicWindow' does not contain a definition forinstance'

is preventing me from doing anything in a new project

Comments (10)

  1. Kyle Postlewait reporter

    commit 9478fa1

    I'm using SourceTree and copy'ing the folders out into a new project. I'm not using voxelland in this test, so commenting out the line let me work with MM/uNature

  2. Denis Pahunov repo owner

    You should always restart Unity after copying/removing of Voxeland, MapMagic, MegaSplat, uNature or RTP. Unity will not change compile directives otherwise.

  3. Denis Pahunov repo owner

    I'll close this issue for now and create a new one describing compile directives problem

  4. Denis Pahunov repo owner

    Hm, then something is really wrong. If you are using the new project - could you please send it to me?

  5. Kyle Postlewait reporter

    I sent you a PM on the Unity forums. Let me know when you've got it so I can delete it

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