mapMagicGens error

Issue #38 resolved
Trilo Byte created an issue

Trying to install MapMagic (build f1b544218525), Plugintools (build d02ed0768add), and Voxeland5 (build 57c5be626320) by downloading from repository and copying folders into Unity 5.6p2 project, I get the following hard errors for MapMagic:

Assets/akaWraith-mapmagic-f1b544218525/Generators/VoxelandOutputs.cs(450,68): error CS1061: Type Voxeland5.Generator' does not contain a definition formapMagicGens' and no extension method mapMagicGens' of typeVoxeland5.Generator' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?

The project had previously contained a fresh download of MM 1.71, I will try in an empty project

Comments (4)

  1. Trilo Byte reporter

    I just confirmed the same errors in an empty project that only contains the above three folders. Does anyone know if there's a way to clear that error?

    I get 6 instances in my console, at the following locations in VoxelandOutputs.cs 218,68 221,53 450,68 453,60 628,68 631,58

  2. Trilo Byte reporter

    Thanks, that appears to have done the trick, both for the new project as well as the existing one.

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