Context menu disappears after second or two

Issue #54 resolved
Trilo Byte created an issue

In the cdc8546823b8 of MapMagic, on the node-map, the context menu appears to be broken. When I right click I see the menu, but no matter what I do (or even if I just keep the pointer hovering over the menu), it goes away in a couple of moments. It is such a short period of time that I am unable to even select or click on any nodes.

I'm using Unity 5.6.0p3 on a Mac.

Comments (10)

  1. Denis Pahunov repo owner

    Guess it's somehow related with repaint event (happens every 2 or less seconds), but still I can't reproduce the bug. Menu works fine in Unity 5.5.2 on a Mac, I will try 5.6.0 after a while, but probably it will be the same. Does this happens in a clear project?

  2. Trilo Byte reporter

    This happens with the default project. I am unable to clear the nodes in the default project because of this issue.

  3. Trilo Byte reporter

    I've just tested the most recent builds against both 5.5.2p2 and 5.6.0p3, and the problem persists.

    In both cases, it is a completely new project with no additional Unity stuff added (standard assets, etc). I just copied in the plugintools, mapmagic, and voxeland folders.

    In the Unity 5.5.2p2 install now, after having cleared out the console I am seeing a TON of soft errors though...

    Assets/akaWraith-mapmagic-76e8ce636cfa/Main/GeneratorsAsset.cs(507,117): warning CS0612: `Voxeland5.Voxeland.instances' is obsolete

    Assets/akaWraith-voxeland-6db773cd5984/Main/Highlight.cs(220,26): warning CS0414: The private field `Voxeland5.Highlight.faceTris' is assigned but its value is never used

    Assets/akaWraith-mapmagic-76e8ce636cfa/Generators/OutputGenerators.cs(1105,12): warning CS0219: The variable `biomeMask' is assigned but its value is never used

    Assets/akaWraith-mapmagic-76e8ce636cfa/Generators/VoxelandOutputs.cs(449,56): warning CS0612: `Voxeland5.Voxeland.instances' is obsolete

    Are among the errors, but several appear to be added every second regardless of whether there is a MapMagic or Voxeland object in the scene.

  4. Jesse Jarvis

    I can confirm this happens too. As well in a new project. In a possibly unrelated? note, it detects RTP even though I don't have RTP. Keeps refreshing with "Voxeland: RTP compatibility mode enabled" and 28 warnings. "Preview Clear, Null, Preview Clear".

  5. Denis Pahunov repo owner

    Just tried Unity 5.6. Could not make menu disappear. Jesse, are you using Mac?

    PS constant re-compilation is fixed

  6. Jesse Jarvis

    Windows 10 with the Creator's Update. Unity 5.6.0f3.

    Redownloading, going to see if it was the constant re-compilation (sounds like it). Wasn't just the menu, it was also Visual Studio wanting to refresh all the scripts because of Unity, and in the MapMagic window whenever I right clicked to look at outputs and such it closed.

    Nvm no new compiles.

  7. Trilo Byte reporter

    I noticed that it detects RTP as well, even though I have not yet installed RTP in that project and am only using folders from the downloaded builds (not previous tests where RTP had been added).

  8. Jesse Jarvis

    @trilobyteme Yeah I installed RTP after just to see if it wanted it but to no avail. I was wanting to play with voxelmap/mapmagic/Ultimate Survival to see.

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