Regarding Daily weather updated or hourly updates

Issue #13 resolved
erum hannan created an issue

please let me know will this api needs wifi or mobile data to bring weather updates ...... Can u pls tell me for hourly updates or daily updates may i need to use services in android or is there method defined in this api ? please mention ?

Comments (2)

  1. Ashutosh Kumar Singh repo owner

    Hi Erum,

    Of course, you will need Internet access to bring weather updates. It fetches weather data from, so it will need WiFi or Mobile Data in Android to work.

    This library just wraps the Weather APIs of, i.e., it makes easy for you to access data using the web APIs of and not provide other functions or such like you asked.

    You will probably need to define a service in Android to get weather updates automatically after fixed intervals of time. May be you can some async task library to write a service which downloads data every fixed amount of time of our choice.

    Hope it helps. Thanks!

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