Localization doesn't work.

Issue #15 resolved
Maciej Płaza created an issue

In the current request there is "lang=POLISH" and should be "lang=pl".

Comments (4)

  1. Ashutosh Kumar Singh repo owner


    Thanks for reporting the issue. I will correct in the next release.


  2. Łukasz Graboń

    Edit OpenWeatherMap.class and cheange

    return "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/" + "weather?" + "q=" + URLEncoder.encode(cityName, "UTF-8") + "&" + "mode=" + this.mode + "&" + "units=" + this.units + "&" + "lang=" + this.lang + "&" + "appId=" + this.appId;


    return "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/" + "weather?" + "q=" + URLEncoder.encode(cityName, "UTF-8") + "&" + "mode=" + this.mode + "&" + "units=" + this.units + "&" + "lang=" + this.lang.lang + "&" + "appId=" + this.appId;

    I'm talking about this part " + this.lang.lang + ". Or make enum Language return lable of language not whole name.

  3. Ashutosh Kumar Singh repo owner

    Hi, thanks for reaching out to me. And apologies for the late response. I wasn't able to work on this lib for long time, but finally I have decided to work on it and make it the full-featured lib. for OpenWeatherMap.org

    I have shifted the repo. to http://go.aksingh.net/owm-japis. Kindly check it there.

    It's fixed in the new version. Thank you.

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