in method forecastWeatherByCityCode all temp value(max, min , temp are teh same)

Issue #2 resolved
Jorge Gomes created an issue

i call this method forecastWeatherByCityCode and return a Forecast object but in properti main all temp values have the values of min temp

Comments (8)

  1. Ashutosh Kumar Singh repo owner

    Hi, please share more details like:

    1. Weather was queried about which city?
    2. Have you checked for multiple cities?
    3. Have you checked at multiple times?
    4. Have you checked the original JSON response, possibly in a web browser?

    Waiting for the answers. Let me make a check. I will get back to you thenafter. Thanks!

  2. Jorge Gomes reporter

    I prove query to La massana city of Andorra(all cities of andorra have the same predictions,, is normal?? mybe yes Andorra es little.

    I prove again, removing cache, and by the moemtn the result currently is good, I prove again tomorrow I will say something

  3. Jorge Gomes reporter

    maxTemp -11.52
    minTemp -11.52
    temp -11.52

    and the request return this in this properties

  4. Ashutosh Kumar Singh repo owner is getting better day by day. Give it some time, please. Well, OWM JAPIs is available now, having bug fixes.

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