No possibility to cache Open Weather Map responses.

Issue #4 resolved
Stanislav Dekalo created an issue

I would like to implement chaching of forecast results from OWM.

Currently it is not possible beacuse you lost String jsonResponse received from server. If you will save this response as field in each of ForecastData, there will be possibility to save it localy (fox example in DB). And than it will be possible to reconstruct ForecastData object via "public DailyForecastData dailyForecastFromResponse(String jsonResponse)" metod of OpenWeatherMap class.

Please let me know if you have any other ideas against this one. And thank you for your greate job.

Comments (2)

  1. Ashutosh Kumar Singh repo owner

    Hi Stanislav, It's a great idea. I am going to implement it soon. Also, thanks for making some implementations and pull requests for the same. Looking forward to your response. Thanks!

  2. Ashutosh Kumar Singh repo owner

    Thanks for the appreciation and the pull request. Your pull request had some problems, so I rejected it but don't worry, this feature is going to come in the next version. I will give you the credit for the same. :-) Thanks!

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