JAR for download or (better yet) maven

Issue #6 resolved
Pedro Rodriguez created an issue

Hi, I am wanting to use OWM in an sbt project and have it as a managed dependency. Perhaps I am missing something obvious, but I can't seem to find a link for just the jar file or the project on maven.

Am I missing something or would this be easy to do?

Comments (2)

  1. Ashutosh Kumar Singh repo owner

    If you download the zip file from the Downloads, it has the jar file. This project is yet not on Maven repo, but I am planning to upload to Maven repo after releasing its next version. I am working on this project to bring some new features and make the whole process, a bit simpler and easier for everyone. Stay tuned and don't forget to report errors/bugs or request new features or send your feedback here or via mail. Looking forward to hear from you. Thanks!

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