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Aktive Cortex extends Axon Framework to provide a JMS based asynchronous and distributed CQRS implementation ready to boost your next application.


Aktive Cortex enables rapid start-up and agile project development, facilitates 3rd party system integration and preserves the team from common mistakes.

Aktive Cortex is distinguished by:

  • being intended for large Enterprise environments that must operate with proven technologies;
  • totally asynchronous command and event execution;
  • JMS integration with pluggable broker support;
  • comprehensive support to user interaction patterns (push notification services, customisable workflow for rich text e-mail production and dispatching) ;

Open Source

Aktive Cortex is designed, developed and tested for a real production cases by a leading team of SW engineers. Now it opens for the open source community adopting the Apache License 2.0 distribution license

Aktive Cortex showcases proven experience of delivering high-performance scalable distributed enterprise applications.


Quick Start

Go ahead and try:

$ git clone

or download a release.

Maven artifacts

Version 1.3.1 is available in Maven central. So you can simply add the dependencies you want to your pom.xml. You will need at least:


For other dependencies see files for sub modules.


Aktive Cortex requires java 6 and Apache Maven 3.0.0.

Building from source is easy:

$ mvn clean install

Java libraries and dependencies will be downloaded from maven repositories the first time you do a build. The finished libraries will be in target folder of each maven module.

More infos

To get in touch with us please write to:


Thanks to every one below for their contribution

  • Domenico Maria Giffone
  • Roberto Vanzo
  • Carmelo Baldassarre
  • Danilo Lo Santo
  • Svitlana Matsutska
