Editable Additional Registration Information

Issue #57 resolved
David Holland created an issue

I'd like an admin menu option to add additional required registration information.

Example... For our purposes I'd like to add the following, since we are talking about being a community of many games we are likely to get lots of random registrations once we are all popular crosses fingers:

"Tell us what game(s) we know you from, or who referred you here. If none of the above, tell us how you got here and why you're registering."

Give the admin the option of adding a text answer question, a boolean yes/no, possibly a date answer (if people are concerned about age of those signing up. We could limit each type... say you can only have X of each.

On the back end you could have a registration_additional table. Fields Custom_Text_1 through whatever (5?), Custom_Boolean_1 and so on... that would contain the Questions asked for each of those. On the registration table you'd add those fields.

I'm not sure if additionally we'd care about display order of the questions? Probably not, probably only care about them being on page... display them if they aren't null.

Comments (3)

  1. Albert Bori repo owner

    I did all of this except for the date-specific field. The work around being that you just take the date in text for mat (or ask them for your age, in the case you described)

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