
alebundeo Dating a guy who smokes a lot of weed

Created by alebundeo

Comments (1)

  1. alebundeo

    Dating a guy who smokes a lot of weed

    ♥♥♥ Link: Dating a guy who smokes a lot of weed

    I smoke alone sometimes and get very creative, I like to write songs and poetry and just enjoy nature. But the way i function because of my faith is vastly different. For me, sex is far better when completely sober. He was honest, and if both of you have similar interests and ambitions, and both want it to work, along with communication. Also, in retrospect and including this time in question, times I thought she was a tad tipsy, I now think she was high. I would definitely be trying to be your friend at least. Each individual needs to set their own rules, but hopefully you have the gist. But even if it does have brain benefits, the next question is whether there exists better medicine that has efficacy. And If he does try to quit cocain hell have major with drawls hell need when he goes through that trust me. Does that mean its better for u cuz u aren't lazy. That is true for things like cigarettes or heroin or addictive drugs; but smoking pot - no. Wake up American people. What can I do. Chicks who get high tend to be more creative. It's your brain running a marathon. First time I think I have ever not agreed with u. You know getting committed is never safe and easy. Didn't answer the phone for 3 hours, came here at 2am we argued, he went to his apt. Are u saying if you were with someone that drank alcohol and got begin the wheel even once. In its simplest terms, ethics is knowing right from wrong and adhering to that which is right. Lots of peole stop when they get into the real world and lots don't.


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