Can only choose local contacts

Issue #1 resolved
Former user created an issue

How to reproduce: Go to Settings > Distress call number. This starts an activity that prompts the user to choose a contact from a list. Expected behaviour: The list should contain all contacts. (i.e. both local and non-local (such as LDAP, Xabber, etc) contacts). Observed behaviour: The list only contains local contacts. Version: 1.3.4 from F-Droid

Comments (7)

  1. Aleksey Tulinov repo owner

    Internally CC use system's activity to display contacts with phone numbers. Intention is to display only contacts with existing numbers because location will be sent by SMS. This system activity presumably show the same table which is used for phone number lookup when somebody is calling you.

    I've created contact w/o phone number remotely in GMail, after it was synced it didn't appear in distress number picker (as expected), then i added phone number and resynced, it appeared in picker (also as expected).

    I also don't see phone numbers anywhere in Xabber on GMail account. Could you confirm that your LDAP and Xabber contacts have phone numbers associated with them? Or what am i missing?

  2. Marius Gavrilescu

    Funny how BitBucket wants you to log in to comment while still allowing everybody to create a new issue

    Xabber contacts, as expected, do not have phone numbers, so this is not a problem. However, all of my LDAP contacts have phone numbers and they still don't appear in the picker activity. Maybe it doesn't like 'work mobile'-type phone numbers? [0]

    [0]: LDAPSync insists on the 'work mobile' type (instead of the more usual 'mobile' type) for no obvious reason.

  3. Aleksey Tulinov repo owner

    Sorry aboyu that, some old BB spam issue. I still want issue tracker as open as possible. If it's inconvenient - please email me directly.

    I'll be looking for public LDAP server with phone number to try to reproduce this, if you know one i could use - this would be very helpful.

  4. Aleksey Tulinov repo owner

    It will be included into 1.3.5. Normally it takes about a week of internal testing before release, i.e. ETA is approximately Nov 30.

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