Error when downloading .torrent file with []{} characters in filename

Issue #2 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi, its me again. Just found out that .torrent files are not downloaded when they contain characters like { } o [ ] in the file name, got "Failed [3]" as result. I figured out there was an error with curl as paretheses must be escaped for curl to work

Looking at this i added --globoff in leech-default script for a dirty workaround and it works. But thats... dirty :)

Comments (4)

  1. Aleksey Tulinov repo owner

    Main issue is that RSS feed is broken, spec clearly says <link> content must be URL which can't contain [ ] or { }. Normally this issue should be resolved by URL-encoding content of the <link> on server which is producing feed.

    Here is URL example from isoHunt:

    It might be possible to urlencode links in leech with some workaround, but i do not fix some-other-guy bugs in leech.

    Your solution is fine as a workaround for this feed, but it doesn't fix main issue completely. You can make it your own recipe and use it instead of leech-default by editing /etc/leech/default:DEFAULT_RECIPE=. If you create your own recipe, it won't be overwritten during next leech update.

    Or you could try, it does fix character encoding issues (, it might also encode URL, possibly.

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