please make a entware comptible version

Issue #4 closed
Former user created an issue

I was able to partially install it but it throws this error during installation, using entware and Asus N16 router with tomatoUSB shibby,

Installing leech (1.1-1) to root... Installing curl (7.36.0-1) to root... Downloading Installing xsltproc (1.1.28-1) to root... Downloading Installing libxslt (1.1.28-1) to root... Downloading Installing libexslt (1.1.28-1) to root... Downloading Configuring libxslt. Configuring libexslt. Configuring curl. Configuring xsltproc. Configuring leech. Collected errors: * wfopen: /usr/sbin/leech-wild-magic: Read-only file system. * wfopen: /usr/sbin/leech-default: Read-only file system. * wfopen: /usr/sbin/leech-transmission: Read-only file system. * wfopen: /usr/sbin/leech: Read-only file system. * wfopen: /usr/sbin/leech-match-test: Read-only file system. * wfopen: /usr/sbin/rfc822tounix: Read-only file system. * extract_archive: Cannot make dir /usr/share/leech/: Read-only file system. * wfopen: /usr/share/leech/leech.xsl: No such file or directory. * wfopen: /debian-binary: Read-only file system.

Comments (5)

  1. Aleksey Tulinov repo owner

    Please try package attached.

    I don't have entware thus i'm completely unsure if it works. If it doesn't - please let me know what doesn't work exactly either in this ticket or by email. If it does work - please also let me know, i'll make this package available for everyone.

    As a side note, you can always install leech by following this instructions: in case if "Downloads" doesn't have package you need.

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