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android Utils / Home


This is an API that wraps call help you make http request, ImageUtil function, Basic Cache functionality in android application. This is in beta state that worked for my project.

Go ahead and try

$ git clone

How to Use

  • In Eclipse create a new project from existing source.
  • In the project properties in the Android tab check "is Library" so you could include it later on to your project.
  • From the project you already have from the properties menu in the Library section click add and select the "android-http".

After completing these steps add this code to your project

Here's an example of how to Use:

public class Myclass extends Activity {
   private Downloader downloader;

   public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
      downloader = new Downloader(getApplicationContext());
      HashMap<String,String> params = new HashMap<String,String>();
      params.put("Key","value"); // this will be posted to the url
      InputStream val = downloader.Post(url,params);
      String resp = downloader.Convert(val);

If you want to use these library as an asynchronous call you have to use AsyncTask.

public class DownloadAsync extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String> {
   private Downloader downloader; 
   private Context mContext;

   public DownloadAsync (Context mContext){
      downloader = new Downloader(mContext);
      this.mContext = mContext;

   protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
       InputStream ins = downloader.Get(URL);
       String json_string = downloader.Convert(ins);
       return json_string;
   protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
      return result[0];
//and to your activity or wherever you want you can do 
new DownloadAsync(getApplicationContext()).execute("");

Feature Update

  • Async request through the API accessed from the downloader class.
  • Performance Issues
  • Cache Request to files and to memory for better reusing
  • Better Image Utilities

Have fun!
