Refactorization of the format of the data sent between the server and the client

Issue #15 new
Alfonso Nishikawa repo owner created an issue

At this moment the data is sent just serializing object. This has 2 drawbacks:

  • Javascript 64bit doubles and 32bit float not supported
  • Usage of nishilua-escaped-binds introduces low maintainability. The complexity of that module is very very high, although it makes easier to manage the hierarchies in the view.

Investigate if it is possible to encode the keys of the data hierarchies in BASE64 in the server, and use the encoded keys as model data access, while presenting visually the uncoded value (warning HTML/javascript injection :P). When then client sends the coded values to the server, the server decodes de BASE64 keys and doubles/floats, populates the Entities and upserts.

This means more work for the server and the client, but the robustness of the application will be very much increased, since at this moment, sometimes unexpectedly the application fails when loading different fields.

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