In Checking Log: ERROR: Initialization: Error: Cannot find an Info.plist file.

Issue #11 closed
Samuel Cai created an issue

I saw one line in checking log: ERROR: Initialization: Error: Cannot find an Info.plist file.

And many lines of this: Cannot determine development region (attempt to read CFBundleDevelopmentRegion from info.plist)

In our project, we don't use default info.plist, instead, for every target, we define different Info.plist File in Build Settings, their name are something like xxx-Info.plist, I guess this is the cause of error?

I also checked some of those info.plist files, they do have value for CFBundleDevelopmentRegion, so I guess the root cause is still not finding the correct info.plist file.

Comments (6)

  1. Ali Rantakari repo owner

    Thanks for reporting this.

    Do you specify the INFOPLIST_FILE build setting for each target? What do the values look like? Are there any other build settings referenced in them?

    You probably don't want to post your project's build log here, but if you could email it to me (dev at fauxpasapp dot com) it would probably help me figure this out.

  2. Samuel Cai reporter

    Hi Ali, Yes, I checked the INFOPLIST_FILE value in project.pbxproj, they all have values. The value look like this: ../AppResources/target1/target1-Info.plist.

    I don't quit understand the question about "any other build setting referenced in them", look like they are normal info.plist file.

    I'll send you the build log.

    Btw, this issue tracking system is kind of weird, I can't find a way to comment on an issue, unless I edit that issue.

  3. Daniel Beard

    I am seeing this issue under version 1.6.1

    ERROR: Initialization: Error: Cannot find an Info.plist file.
    Initialization: Interpreting 287 XIB files...
    Applying rules before checking code
    No compilation units found  no code to check.
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