Could not build module

Issue #17 closed
Dal Rupnik created an issue

Getting "Could not build module 'AVFoundation', 'MessageUI', 'Accounts', ... errors. The app builds successfully.

Getting this when the script is invoked by Xcode. The only way to fix this is to open the Faux Pas GUI, do a clean of the project from Project menu and recheck for errors from the GUI (it builds project with different commands as Xcode does, so I am assuming this is the issue).

Comments (9)

  1. Ali Rantakari repo owner

    Sounds like some things have changed in the project that should have invalidated the Faux Pas build cache, but that hasn't happened. Do you remember what you changed before this occurred? Can you reproduce it easily?

    You should be able to avoid the issue by using --cacheBuildLog no in Faux Pas' arguments. You can also clear the caches from the command-line by running fauxpas clearcaches <path-to-project>

  2. Dal Rupnik reporter

    Edit: I cleaned the project in Xcode and then rebuilt it also from Xcode. This was the scenario that happened afterwards.

  3. Ali Rantakari repo owner

    Is your project using CocoaPods? Have you changed any of the Faux Pas configuration options from the defaults?

  4. Dal Rupnik reporter

    Yes, I am using CocoaPods. I've changed few rules. I've attached the configuraiton. Interesting thing is that it is not always appearing, few cleans & rebuilds might fix the issue, but it's still appearing and quite annoying.

  5. Ali Rantakari repo owner

    Does the issue go away if you execute Faux Pas with the following arguments in the build phase?

    fauxpas check-xcode --cacheBuildLog no
  6. Dal Rupnik reporter

    After few test this issue does not appear if the option you mention is added. However this increased build time and would probably need to use a separate target for this.

  7. Ali Rantakari repo owner

    Version 1.2 contains some improvements that might resolve this issue. It would be great if you could update Faux Pas to the latest version, re-enable the build log caching, see if the issue reproduces, and report back here. Thank you.

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