Unnecessary Nib method false positive

Issue #19 closed
Dal Rupnik created an issue

Too many false positives, even though only Xcode 5 and Xcode 6 are used in development of the project.

Comments (8)

  1. Ali Rantakari repo owner

    Can you please provide some representative examples of the false positives you're seeing? Are these cases where a class implementing -awakeFromNib is actually archived in some XIB/Storyboard? If so, can you please let me know if the class and XIB/Storyboard are included in the same Xcode project target, and email me the XIB/Storyboard file?

  2. Dal Rupnik reporter

    Yes, bug description was very bad, sorry about that. Here are more details. I wrote a custom UIView subclass, which has the awakeFromNib method. There is a scene on Storyboard that has this class set and even outlets are set. But the tool reports it is not referenced. I sadly cannot share the storyboard with you, as it is a proprietary project.

  3. Dal Rupnik reporter

    In addition to this, both files - Storyboard and the custom view subclass are in the same project.

  4. Ali Rantakari repo owner

    Version 0.9.8 has been released with some improvements to Nib handling. Can you please check if this issue occurs with the latest version?

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