Redundant inclusion directive

Issue #24 wontfix
Khoa Pham created an issue

I think this is not 100% correct. When you create new project, Xcode have import UIKit and Foundation in both .pch file and every new files

Comments (4)

  1. Ali Rantakari repo owner

    This rule has the “ignore system headers” option, which is on by default. Is Faux Pas giving you diagnostics about redundant system header inclusions even though this option is set to YES?

  2. Khoa Pham reporter

    No, because I remember several people on SO say that having both imports in .m files and .pch file is not that bad. Actually, Xcode does this way

  3. Ali Rantakari repo owner

    It's totally okay to disagree with the premise of this rule: you can always exclude it from being applied. Since I assume there is no false positive reported here (just a disagreement with the idea behind the rule), I am closing this issue.

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