File not found Error

Issue #36 closed
Darren Ehlers created an issue

I'm getting a file not found error when processing, for a header file that is from a sub-project in the Workspace.

The specific line is:

#import <MMMarkdown/MMMarkdown.h>

Every thing else seems to be working fine...


  • Darren

Comments (9)

  1. Ali Rantakari repo owner

    Thanks for reporting this.

    Can you please post the full error message?

    You can try the "build project before checking" option in Faux Pas, and see if that resolves the issue.

  2. Ali Rantakari repo owner

    I cannot reproduce this, and haven't received any further information. If you would like this reopened, please post a comment.

  3. Darren Ehlers reporter

    Sorry for the delay in responding, it's been a tough 4 months!

    Here's the specific error message:

    Screenshot 2015-02-16 22.58.27.png

    And I turned on the "build project before checking" option, and it didn't appear to make any difference.

    What else can I do to help solve this?

  4. Ali Rantakari repo owner

    One thing that comes to mind is that your workspace might have implicit dependencies that are not being picked up correctly by xcodebuild since Faux Pas asks it to build the project directly (without using a workspace).

    You can try setting the Xcode workspace to build project with and Xcode scheme to build project with options in Faux Pas — this should ensure that xcodebuild can determine implicit dependencies in the same manner as building from the Xcode GUI does. If you don't have a separate workspace, please point the former of these options to the project's default workspace (in myproject.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace).

    If this doesn’t help, then please enable the "verbose output" option in Faux Pas, try checking the project again, and send me the entire checking log — this could help me figure out what the issue is:

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